Lego Robotics project – WATCHGOOZ3 EV3 Model

Recently I built my EV3 (Captain X) into the ‘WATCHGOOZ3’ model. This model is from the book ‘The LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Laboratory’ by Daniele Benedettelli, with modification to use the ultrasonic rather than the infrared sensor.  We call ours the ‘Goose-a-tron 1000.’

This model is very interesting, and it is a bipedal walker which mimics the movement of a goose. It is also very finicky, and it took me a long time troubleshooting today to get all the parts aligned and moving correctly. Here are some photos of some main mechanisms of the WATCHGOOZ3.

The robot relies on a touch sensor mounted under the body to trigger a reversal of the medium motor when weight has shifted fully to one foot.  You can see this in the right hand photo above.

Its movement is very strange, and definitely not graceful. I programmed it to walk today, and have tweeted a video so that you can see how it walks:

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